Additional data & analysis

Zones and tree canopy coverage

This section breaks down tree canopy coverage by type of zone.

As expected, both civic and rural land are ranked among the highest, whilst the more restrictive the residential zone is, the higher the amount of tree coverage.

Low density residential: Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ)/

Civic land: Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) and Public Conservation and Resource Zone (PCRZ).

Neighbourhood residential: Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ).

General residential: General Residential Zone (GRZ).

Residential growth: Residential Growth Zone (RGZ).

Commercial only: Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and Commercial 2 Zone (C2Z).

Commonwealth land: Commonwealth Land (CA).

Mixed use: Mixed Use Zone (MUZ) and Township Zone (TZ).

There is a lot of variance within zones. The box plots below use SA2s, which are typically the size of a suburb or locality, as units of observation.

Next: Measuring Melbourne’s street tree canopy